Publisher : Internet Research: Networking Applications and Policy . Vol. 5 No. 3, 1995 ( MCB University Press) p. 3-10
Abstract of the article:
The article gives an assessment of the principal tools available for the Information Retrieval system of five internet servers particularly Archie, Gopher, Hytelnet, WAIS and the World Wide Web. The study concentrates on the evaluation of the user interface and search software for each of the aforehead tools. Promising perspectives among the tools on the information retrieval were cited but expected a lot more to offer in the future.
Three things I learned from the reading assignment:
First, to know the basic techniques in information retrieval such as Boolean Logic and other IRS tools are important especially in our profession. To be aware of the different terminologies and evaluating irs (such as different search software , user interface, help facilities, menus and command, etc.) will lead you into easier access of information you are searching.
Second, is the difference between menu-driven and command-driven interface and its importance of information retrieval. We are basically in familiar of using the menu–driven interface in searching in which menu items fits logically into categories and have readily understood meaning. Being familiar with the command-driven interface offers a faster more powerful and flexible solution which is particularly attractive to each users. Knowing this two may help the users to manipulate their searching to find the right information you need.
Third, is not to isolate yourself in one type of IRS because there’s a lot of other system that will surely have ready solutions in our searching needs.
Implications of the new things I learned to my work and as a person:
Being aware of the different tools in information retrieval will be a great help me to know choices and techniques on how to find the information and our users needs.
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